Last night's terrific storm caused less damage at the BRG than it could have, given past storm damage in the Port Credit area and gardens. But evidence of high water levels in Thursday night's storm is shown along Tecumseh Creek that runs through the gardens parallel to the Waterfront Trail.
I took these pictures this morning, as well as one showing the progress of the removal of a large tree felled in an earlier storm. To end on a high note, there's a picture of a white hydrangea tree now in full bloom in the east Gardens.
A violent thunderstorm on Sunday August 9 with heavy rainfall was too much for this large tree to withstand; it snapped and fell onto private property, taking out several sections of fence as it went. (Photos: August 11).
Here's a closer look at the fallen tree, located on the east side of the BRG east of the middle bridge over Tecumseh Creek.
This tree on BRG (City of Mississauga) property landed mostly within private property that abuts the gardens.
Today, as I walked the gardens to see what havoc the storm had wrought, I noticed that the fallen tree removal has begun, and it's now cut into smaller sections, though still in situ. Drainage issues in this area are evident in the pooled water in the foreground. I understand the drainage issues on both sides of Tecumseh Creek in this section of the Gardens are now being addressed.
This banks along Tecumseh Creek (seen here from the south bridge, nearest Lake Ontario) show how high the water rose last night. I've never seen it this high in the past three years that I have been monitoring it.
This area is always shady, thanks to the thicket of trees along the creek, but look closely (click image to enlarge, then click Back button to return to this page), and you'll see that last night's high waters washed out the soil from the base of several of these trees.
Further north, at the middle bridge over the creek, the vegetation at the top of the bank has been flattened by the force and volume of water during last night's storm.
The area closest to the creek are either already naturalized, or in the process of being naturalized, and these patio stones are definitely not part of the program. The high water last night washed some of them downstream to Lake Ontario.
Though the creek sometimes meanders and pools here at the south bridge outlet into Lake Ontario, last night's rains forced a new, deep channel though the beach, straight into the lake.
Though it's difficult to see depth in this photo, the vegetation along the creek is 18-24 inches above the usual water line, and today, it's knocked flat. All along Tecumseh Creek through the Gardens -- from Lakeshore and Shawnmarr south to the Lake Ontario shoreline -- plants and shrubs that are usually several feet above the creek are now lying flat after last night's heavy rains.
As promised, here's a bit of cheer in the BRG: A lovely white hydrangea tree in full bloom. Find this beauty on the east side (Godfrey's Lane side - see map link in side menu) of the Gardens, between the annual bed at the Port Credit sign and the new bed with mounded topsoil.
Let's hope that, other than the now bare-root trees near the south bridge that may not make it, the 'Lose a Tree With Every Major Storm' jinx has now been broken!
. . . Come Watch Us Grow! in Port Credit, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
Friday, August 21, 2009
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
BRG Roses Hazel McCallion, Brother Cadfael, Scentimental, Eglantyne, Evelyn : Japanese beetles, Black Spot Fungus Damage -- Beauty and the Beasties
Update JUNE 2010: New pictures of these roses. Update August 2011 Video Japanese Beetles.
It's a tale of The Beauties and The Beasties at the BRG! Japanese beetles, black spot and fungus do damage to the David Austin roses Eglantyne and Evelyn, and to Scentimental (Warning: graphic images of beetles!). But two beauties -- the new Rosa Hazel McCallion and stunning Brother Cadfael -- atone for the beasties.
But first the Japanese beetles . . (Click on image to enlarge, then click Back button to return to this page)
Two black, slightly iridescent Japanese beetles feast on the white and pink fragrant Scentimental rose. Staff and garden volunteers are hand picking these insects and dropping into a bucket of soapy water.
A volunteer's hand gives scale to the lovely Eglantyne, and the Japanese beetles munching its on heart.
Moving on from the rose flowers, these beetles are busy turning the foliage into lace. Adding insult to rose bush injury, black spot has left its mark on the lower leaves.
Now, IMO, these beetles are just being greedy! With so many beetles on one rose blossom, they are very easy to spot. Likely the only way to get all of them is to shake or prune the entire bloom into a bucket of soapy water. Enlarge this image for a close up gross-out :-)
Brown and yellowing leaves on this rose bush show moderate damage. Adequate spacing between plants permits good air circulation to reduce fungus infection. The recent heavy rains promote fungus on many plants.
The fungus infection on this plant shows more severe damage. Some hybrids are more disease resistant than others; and some soil conditions lessen the chances of fungus infection: Rose beds that were topped up with topsoil sustained the least fungus damage.
Foliage of rose bushes shows the black spots that lead to yellowing leaves and die off.
Again, double damage to Evelyn, with black spot on the foliage and Japanese beetles in the flowers.
Here's a break from doom and gloom in Rose Bush Land: What's purported to be one of the first of a new hybrid rose named for Mississauga mayor Hazel NMcCallion. But it's a bit of a mystery: The city web site image of the new Hazel Rose shows a pink blossom; the rose in the BRG shows a redder blossom, with white near the center of each petal. See this image for comparison with the picture above.
Like a ray of sunshine on a rainy day, Brother Cadfael coming into new bloom gladdens the hearts of the gardeners. That this photo is actually in clear focus doubly gladdens my heart!
See more rose photos : Brother Cadfael, Evelyn and Eglantyne. Chuckles continues to bloom and is setting dozens of new buds. Chuckles could be my BRG favourite rose!
Hazel McCallion - October 2009
The Hazel McCallion rose is still blooming in mid October, though still showing the deeper colours instead of the delicate pink promised. Steps have been taken to promote the growth of this rose's intended bloom. Stay tuned: Will see what happens next spring!
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Lilies - Anaconda, Angelique, Stargazer, Garden Party - Late Bloomers
Later summer blooming lilies continue to give color to the Brueckner Rhododendron Gardens lily garden. Anaconda has just finished blooming, Garden Party adds yellow, and Angelique is making a valiant attempt to hold off the Japanese beetles. Let's lead off with the stunning white Stargazer lily.
A fragrant, tall Oriental lily, Stargazer is a brilliant white with brown stamens. (Click photo to enlarge, then click Back button to return to this page)
Stunning though showing signs of insect damage, Stargazer commands attention.
Late afternoon sun highlights Stargazer's crisp, clean blooms.
Garden Party Lily has a large white blossom brushed with yellow inside.
Striking brown stamens, Garden Party is a tall Oriental lily - about 18 inches high.
Angelique in close up - fuchsia pink with yellow throat, a dwarf lily only about a foot tall.
This collection of Angelique shows some of the insect damage in yellow leaves. This summer in Ontario has been a difficult growing season for most plants, and insects are having a field day.
As yet, I have no name for this lily. If you know its name, please leave a comment. Only a few were blooming, but they are very striking.
A graceful beauty, Anaconda Trumpet Lily is tall -- 3 feet and taller -- with a lovely pink blush on the outside of the petals.
See Pictures of the Earlier Blooming Lilies here.
A fragrant, tall Oriental lily, Stargazer is a brilliant white with brown stamens. (Click photo to enlarge, then click Back button to return to this page)
Stunning though showing signs of insect damage, Stargazer commands attention.
Late afternoon sun highlights Stargazer's crisp, clean blooms.
Garden Party Lily has a large white blossom brushed with yellow inside.
Striking brown stamens, Garden Party is a tall Oriental lily - about 18 inches high.
Angelique in close up - fuchsia pink with yellow throat, a dwarf lily only about a foot tall.
This collection of Angelique shows some of the insect damage in yellow leaves. This summer in Ontario has been a difficult growing season for most plants, and insects are having a field day.
As yet, I have no name for this lily. If you know its name, please leave a comment. Only a few were blooming, but they are very striking.
A graceful beauty, Anaconda Trumpet Lily is tall -- 3 feet and taller -- with a lovely pink blush on the outside of the petals.
See Pictures of the Earlier Blooming Lilies here.