Along with the ancient apple trees and the redbuds at Bruecker garden, the Japanese cherry trees have burst forth into glorious blossoms this week! Here are some pictures on I took on Tuesday. I really hope the winds stay fairly calm so the blossoms can last until this weekend's garden tour.
Brueckner Heritage Rhododendron Garden |
Some varieties of rhododendrons and azaleas are in bloom now, or will be coming into bloom over the next few weeks. The early blooming
PJM rhododendrons, though, are fading fast, as are the
Bluenose rhodos.
Rhododendrons and Japanese Cherries ~ Pink Blooming Time! |
The pink blooming rhododendrons in the foreground are in the Brueckner Heritage beds marked by the large sign. If you walk through the gate in the split rail fence, you can get up close with these plants. From that spot, you are treated to gorgeous views of the Japanese cherries in bloom, with white apple blossoms in the background.
Redbuds in Bloom at Brueckner in Port Credit |
Not to be outdone by the much older Japanese cherries, the redbuds burst forth in gorgeous mauve pink blossoms of their own. Located close to the parking lot entrance on Lakeshore Road West, they seem to say. "Me first!" The apple trees in the garden are a legacy of orchards past.
Redbud Trees in Bloom Along Waterfront Trail |
Here's a closer look at the redbuds in bloom. I love their habit of blossoming on each branch, outlining the tree. The Waterfront Trail passes just behind these trees along Tecumseh Creek.
Japanese Cherries and Apple Trees in Bloom |
From atop the hill in the west garden, the Rose Garden is framed with Japanese cherries to the left, redbuds and apples in the background, and apple trees to the the right.
Apple Trees in Full Bloom Port Credit Ontario |
This apple tree along the Waterfront Trail is located just southeast of the Garden office building (restroom building). Yesterday, the perfume from the apple blossoms was almost overpowering. If you possibly can, go to BRG and smell for yourself. They should bottle this fragrance! And the delicate, profuse blossoms are a visual treat as well.
Lake Ontario Lookout Benches and Rhodos |
Over the top of the hill and down, you come to the seating area at the lookout to Lake Ontario. Pink rhodos and azaleas are blooming nearby, and the day lilies are sprouting fast along the split rail fence. There is still access through the fence to a path to the beach if you want to look for pretty rocks and get a closer look at the shore and water birds.
Million Dollar Views Free at Brueckner Garden |
Here's the view from the benches at the Lake Ontario lookout. Sometimes it's just as shown in this photo; other times, sailboats and yachts, tankers and freighters pass by on the lake. The view is always and never the same :-)
Garden/ing Questions?
Do you have questions about growing rhododendrons, azaleas and companion plants? Want to know how to prune and when? What to use for fertilizer or pest control? Come to (FREE!!) Brueckner Rhododendron Garden tour this Sunday, May 29, from 2-4 p.m. and Ask The Master Gardener !
See the map link in the right menu. Free parking in the lot south side of Lakeshore Road West at Shawnmarr. If the lot is full, look for parking on side streets such as Shawnmarr.