Everything's coming up roses (and peonies) at Brueckner!
Three years in the making, the yellow tree peony is now in bloom! If nothing else, gardening teaches patience, a lesson we've learned well at the BRG. The Gardens' one and only yellow tree peony can be admired in its full blooming glory at the edge of the annual bed across from the Kennedy Memorial Plaque near the main entrance.
Yellow Tree Peony Full Bloom Port Credit's BRG |
The long-awaited blooming of the only yellow tree peony in the Gardens pays off, with this first blossom so large it needs a bit of support from a forked branch. There are about 10 buds and flowers on this peony, and staff and volunteers alike are hoping that this year, passersby will refrain from picking these gorgeous flowers. See this post about the
yellow peony from last spring.
Smaller Yellow Peony Flower at BRG |
Here's a second yellow peony that is just opening its petals today. The tree peony is showing its age -- about 4 years old -- and getting quite lush and large, with buds all around its ample girth.
With any luck, any light-fingered visitors will leave the flowers alone, as it's attracting a lot of well-deserved admirers. The blooming period should last a few weeks, so drop by with your camera!
Red Bush Peonies Perennial Garden BRG Mississauga |
The perennial garden just east of the main entrance parking area is ringed with a border of red bush peonies now blooming with abandon. The heavy-headed peonies have been given a bit of support with stakes and string to keep them upright and off the lawn.
Brueckner Peony Garden Beginning to Bloom. |
The Peony Garden, renovated last Fall, is looking good as it comes into bloom this week. The transplanting last fall did set the peonies back a bit, but the new bed offers them much better growing conditions.
rejuvenating the peony garden post.
Peony Garden Brueckner beside |
Peonies, especially new plantings, are fragile and easily damaged. By raising the bed last fall, one of the side benefits, it was thought, would be that the higher level would make visitors be more aware of it, and discourage them from walking among the peonies.
But each day, there are more broken stems with unopened buds, so signs will need to be posted to reinforce the reasons to stay off the peony garden. As the bed matures and the peonies become well established, they will support each other, and be less prone to damage.
Crown Princess Margareta BRG Rose Garden |
A new addition to the Rose Garden at Brueckner is this David Austin yellow rose
Crown Princess Margareta that is just beginning to bloom in the same bed with the Canadian rose
Hazel McCallion.
Yellow Rose Bush ~ Crown Princess Margareta at BRG |
This early blooming rose is a fine addition to the
Rosa Hazel McCallion bed. This rose seems both hardy and a prolific bloomer. This picture shows the buds just beginning to open this week.
Cabbage-type Rose Blossom Fully Opened at BRG |
When fully opened,
Crown Princess Margareta shows its cabbage style yellow flowers with deeper, almost apricot center.
See also
blog posts on other roses at the BRG.
Scentimental, Abraham Darby and
Captain Samuel are also ready to bloom, and
Sutton Place (that shares a bed with
Evelyn) is also opening its buds this week. Most of the roses in the BRG are David Austin old-fashioned scented roses, so they smell wonderful!
Para Kanp Planting Annuals at BRG Port Credit |
Brueckner Rhododendron Gardens head gardener, Para Kanp, shows his planting skills as he and staff made short work this week planting the hundreds of annuals that add to summer and fall colours in the Gardens.
This annual and perennial bed is just south of the main entrance off Lakeshore Road West. The other main annual garden is at the 'Port Credit' sign at Lakeshore and Godfreys Lane.
Main Annual Bed Planted at Brueckner Gardens. |
Here's how the main annual bed looks this week, with dozens of low maintenance annuals nicely planted. The yellow tree peony can be seen in the middle of this picture, in front of the still-blooming rhododendrons and azaleas.
If you visit the Gardens, take note of the standard tree roses that flank the yellow tree peony. These standards were grafted by Para, who's planted a number of them in several locations in the garden. As well, canna lilies that were over-wintered in this bed survived beautifully, and will be a spectacular backdrop in the annual bed.
As well, several lilies (green plants lower left) grow in this bed, and the annoying and damaging red weevils are already making a meal of them. See
this post on the (late) lily garden. The lilies were spectacularly unique for one season only, and survive only in memory and pictures.
Sadly, vandals still senselessly target the Gardens
Many peonies were uprooted last Christmas (though why anyone would want to uproot peonies and leave them lying on the ground is beyond knowing). And every so often, the main garden building, washrooms, signs and bridges get marred with a scribble of paint. A decorative bike with plants in basket that a Port Credit citizens committee placed at the BRG was stolen outright.
Visitors can take note if they witness any activities that are harmful to the Gardens, but are asked not approach anyone. To report issues, tell one of the city staff in the Gardens weekdays, 8-3 p.m.
Or phone the
City of Mississauga :
- To report graffiti, vandalism and litter, call the 24 Hour Hot Line 905-615-4060
- To report activities such as alcohol consumption, property destruction and suspicious behaviour - call Peel Regional Police 905-453-3311.