Early bloomers PJM rhodos are in bloom now and stealing the show at the Gardens in Port Credit. Though the unseasonably cool weather is not the best for long walks in the parks, it helps extend the blooming period. Plan to drop by the Gardens this weekend for the best blooms.
Mauve PJM Rhodos Brueckner Heritage Garden |
These mauve PJMs are located in the Brueckner heritage beds (near the plaque as you enter the gardens). This photo was taken from within the beds on the hillside, looking northeast to the magnolia (white tree) and Lakeshore Road beyond. The faint pink blush on the trees to the top left are native redbud trees, just coming into bloom. Redbuds also have a short blooming period so be sure to stop by within the next week or two.
Heritage Garden Rhododendrons |
Walk carefully through the hillside heritage beds to get a close look at these gorgeous shrubs. The deep pink rhodo (lower left) is just coming into bloom this weekend. The mauve-pink PJMs are in full bloom in center. It's gratifying to reap the rewards of the care and feeding undertaken by head gardener Para Kanp over the previous season and winter: Every rhododendron is thick with buds or blossoms.
New Garden Bed PJMs in Full Bloom |
This bed of PJMs is located on the hillside south from the Gardens office building. These rhododendrons were moved from the former Hancock property and are now getting well established in their new home. Again, note that almost every branch that could have a bloom, does, and each one has fully opened.
Rhododendron PJM Spring Parade |
Two of the PJM varieties at Brueckner are 'Spring Parade' and 'April Rose'; both are varying intensities of purple, and I for one tend to confuse the two. April Rose is a shorter-growing variety in the East Garden, Bed No. 1. These PJMs in the photo above are Spring Parade, and are located in the bed closest to the south side of the Gardens building along the Waterfront Trail and Tecumseh Creek.
Brueckner Hybrid Rhododendron 'BlueNose' |
Also in the Heritage Garden on the west hillside, the Brueckner hybrid rhododendron Bluenose is in full bloom. There are only a few of these early blooming rhodies, so if you want to catch them in flower, get to the Gardens over the next week. Note that Bluenose is also blooming a month earlier than last year.
See 2011 Bluenose photos here.
Pale Pink Rhododendron 'Isola Bella' Mississauga ON |
This delicate confection of a rhododendron was in full bloom last week. Look for it in the bed along Lakeshore Road West, just west of Godfreys Lane and the Port Credit sign. Already, some of the petals are falling, so be quick if you want to enjoy its blooms for this season.
Isola Bella Pale Pink Rhododendron |
Here is the wide shot of this rhododendron, 'Isola Bella', a Brueckner hybrid. Look, too, for the early blooming azaleas in this area and throughout the Gardens. In this view, you are facing south, over the East Garden looking towards Lake Ontario
Red and White Tulips in Bloom |
These tulips now blooming in red tinged with white are new this season, having been planted last fall in this bed that borders the sidewalk along Lakeshore Road West, east of the Shawnmarr Road/ parking lot entrance. It's always a challenge to try to prettify the unlovely but necessary guard rail. The spiky green foliage marks the day lilies.
Red Tulips in Border Bed Lakeshore Road |
Here's another, closer look at the tulips. Within the Gardens, the Harold Kennedy Memorial Plaque near the entrance is also sporting a flush of blooming tulips.
Also in Bloom or Coming Soon at the BRG:
- Azaleas, spring bulbs, magnolias, pear and apple blossoms now and over the coming weeks.
- Japanese Cherry blossoms are about to open, within the next week, weather permitting.
- Redbuds (depending on location/sun) are open now, with more over the coming week or so
- Rhododendrons (mid-season, late bloomers) will be coming into bloom at various times for the next month or so.
If you enter the Gardens from Godfreys Lane near Ben Machree Park or the main entrance parking lot, be sure to cross any one of the three pedestrian bridges to the East Garden. There are nine newer rhododendron and azalea beds (plus companion shrubs) that are gradually getting established and would love some admirers.
Map for location,
The annual garden tour is still a month away (Sunday, May27) and the PJM rhododendrons will be finished blooming by then. If you want to admire them in person, you'd best be quick about it.
PJMs in bloom, info in 2011. Note that post was in Mid-May last year, so they are indeed a bit earlier this year.