
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Japanese Cherries, Apple Trees, Redbuds, Rhodos, Azaleas in Bloom This Week For the Annual Garden Tour On Sunday

Along with the ancient apple trees and the redbuds at Bruecker garden, the Japanese cherry trees have burst forth into glorious blossoms this week!  Here are some pictures on I took on Tuesday. I really hope the winds stay fairly calm so the blossoms can last until this weekend's garden tour.

Brueckner Heritage Rhododendron Garden
Some varieties of rhododendrons and azaleas are in bloom now, or will be coming into bloom over the next few weeks. The early blooming PJM rhododendrons, though, are fading fast, as are the Bluenose rhodos.

Rhododendrons and Japanese Cherries ~ Pink Blooming Time!
The pink blooming rhododendrons in the foreground are in the Brueckner Heritage beds marked by the large sign. If you walk through the gate in the split rail fence, you can get up close with these plants. From that spot, you are treated to gorgeous views of the Japanese cherries in bloom, with white apple blossoms in the background.

Redbuds in Bloom at Brueckner in Port Credit
Not to be outdone by the much older Japanese cherries, the redbuds burst forth in gorgeous mauve pink blossoms of their own. Located close to the parking lot entrance on Lakeshore Road West, they seem to say. "Me first!" The apple trees in the garden are a legacy of orchards past.

Redbud Trees in Bloom Along Waterfront Trail
 Here's a closer look at the redbuds in bloom. I love their habit of blossoming on each branch, outlining the tree. The Waterfront Trail passes just behind these trees along Tecumseh Creek.

Japanese Cherries and Apple Trees in Bloom
From atop the hill in the west garden, the Rose Garden is framed with Japanese cherries to the left, redbuds and apples in the background, and apple trees to the the right.

Apple Trees in Full Bloom Port Credit Ontario
 This apple tree along the Waterfront Trail is located just southeast of the Garden office building (restroom building). Yesterday, the perfume from the apple blossoms was almost overpowering. If you possibly can,  go to BRG and smell for yourself. They should bottle this fragrance! And the delicate, profuse blossoms are a visual treat as well.

Lake Ontario Lookout Benches and Rhodos
 Over the top of the hill and down, you come to the seating area at the lookout to Lake Ontario. Pink rhodos and azaleas are blooming nearby, and the day lilies are sprouting fast along the split rail fence. There is still access through the fence to a path to the beach if you want to look for pretty rocks and get a closer look at the shore and water birds.

Million Dollar Views Free at Brueckner Garden
Here's the view from the benches at the Lake Ontario lookout. Sometimes it's just as shown in this photo; other times, sailboats and yachts, tankers and freighters pass by on the lake. The view is always and never the same :-)

Garden/ing Questions?
Do you have questions about growing rhododendrons, azaleas and companion plants? Want to know how to prune and when? What to use for fertilizer or pest control? Come to (FREE!!) Brueckner Rhododendron Garden tour this Sunday, May 29, from 2-4 p.m. and Ask The Master Gardener !

See the map link in the right menu. Free parking in the lot south side of Lakeshore Road West at Shawnmarr. If the lot is full, look for parking on side streets such as Shawnmarr.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Bluenose Rhododendron, Japanese Andromeda, Fritillaria Lily Now In Bloom at Brueckner Garden in Port Credit

If you're visiting the Garden this weekend, look for these three early bloomers at their peak: the pale lilac Brueckner hybrid 'Bluenose', the glorious white clusters of Japanese Andromeda, and the exotic orange bells of the Fritillaria lily.

Heritage Garden Rhododendron Bluenose Brueckner Hybrid
Bluenose is a hardy Brueckner hybrid with flowers that are more blue than lilac or mauve. This rhododendron is blooming in the Heritage garden (Brueckner Memorial Plaque, west side of garden) in the midst of the deeper mauve PJM Rhododendrons.

Hillside Garden Lilac Flowers of R. Bluenose in Full Bloom
Several additional Bluenose rhodos were planted in the newer hillside garden beds that face the Rose Garden and the garden office building (background).

Standard Rhododendron Bluenose Heritage Garden Port Credit
Here's a wider shot of Bluenose in the Brueckner bed near the top of the hill, west of the path that comes straight south from the parking lot entrance at Shawnmarr and Lakeshore Road West in Port Credit.

Close up of Bluenose Rhododendron Full Bloom
Here's a closer look at the Bluenose flowers. The lighter green color foliage is new growth on branches that did not bloom this year. Rhodos should be 'deadheaded' -- their spent blossoms removed -- when the blooms die off to encourage full budding for the following year.

Rhododendron Bluenose in Bloom with White Pine
Here's another view of Bluenose in the Heritage bed, with the white magnolia tree in the background. Magnolias at Brueckner are almost finished blooming for this year; this long weekend, weather cooperating, should be a good time to see the last of the blooms.

Crown Imperial Lily Fritillaria in Full Bloom with Periwinkles
This stunning lily is in full and glorious bloom on the opposite side of the Garden; its name is (Ready?) Liliaceae Fritillaria Imperialis  -- Crown imperial --  Fritillaria imperialis Rubra Maxima. It's on its own, and we're not really sure how it got here. It blooms first of all lilies, and when you are not expecting to see lilies in bloom, it's easy to miss it. The small blue flowers covering the ground around it are vinca minor, also known as periwinkles. Both plants do well in this part-shade location.

Close Up of Crown Imperial Lily ~ Deep Orange Red Bell Flowers
 To locate this lily, go from the parking lot and cross the bridge closest to Lakeshore Road on the Waterfront Trail that runs along the creek to the East Garden. Alternately, you could walk east along the Lakeshore Road sidewalk to the benches near the large Port Credit sign. [Thanks to Martha for helping to identify this lily.]

Japanese Andromeda Mountain Fire ~ Rhododendron Companion Plant
Rhododendron companion plant Japanese Andromeda is in full bloom, too. In the picture above, it's the green bush bottom center, in the peony garden. (Peonies are all up and thinking of budding, so give them a few weeks and come back.) This photo was taken in late fall, and the variety of Japanese Andromeda [Pieris japonica] is Mountain Fire, that blooms deep pink - red.

Japanese Andromeda Pieris Japonica Karenoma Full Bloom
The Japanese Andromeda currently in full bloom is Pieris Japonica Karenoma and shows its white 'clusters' of blooms in the Brueckner Heritage garden, located on the west side of the split rail fence, and up the hillside to the left, near the Bluenose. This rhododendron companion plant is about 24 inches high.

Related: Brueckner Garden Tour May 29, 2011 (details) and About Dr Brueckner.

Come out and see the Garden this long holiday weekend (Canada) and bring your camera!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

PJM Rhododendrons Peak Bloom Mississauga Port Credit ON

PJM Rhododendrons are in peak bloom at the BRG in Port Credit. PJMs are a little late this spring, as they usually bloom by the end of April or early May with a profusion of deep mauve pink  blossoms. Since rain is forecast for the next few days, I took these photos to capture the best of the PJMs in case their gorgeous blossoms get washed away.

PJMs are hybrid rhodos named for P. J. Mezitt, who founded Weston Nurseries in 1923.

PJM Rhododendrons in Brueckner Memorial Bed

Hillside Garden Heritage PJM Rhodos Port Credit Ontario

New PJM Rhododendron Beds Blooming at  BRG

Heritage Rhododendron Garden PJM Hybrids in Full Bloom

New PJM Rhododendron First Season Blooms

PJM Rhodos Overlook Rose Garden ~ BRG in Mississauga

Deep Mauve PJM Blossoms ~ Mississauga Ontario

Pink Rhododendron on Lake Ontario Shoreline Garden

Mauve Blossoms Cover Rhododendron Shrub on Hillside Garden

Fallen Blossoms Signal End of Blooming Time
A few of the rhododendrons and azaleas that bloomed before the PJMs have succumbed to the heavy rains and their petals carpet the hillside. And while the PJMs are in peak bloom this week, hundreds more rhodos and azaleas are covered with fat buds just waiting to burst forth.

If you want to see the PJMs, head to the Garden this weekend (address, map in right menu). Hopefully, some of the PJMs will still be in flower for the Garden Tour in 10 days time - May 29,

Bring your camera!

PS And if you're in the Garden on May 21, in the morning, and you see about a hundred very busy gardeners, then you are witness to volunteers from Zhu Chi West Toronto, who make an enormous contribution to helping the Garden grow!

Here's a photo of one of the largest rhododendrons I've ever seen, submitted by the photographer/blogger at and posted here with permission.

Blaylock Estate British Columbia Rhododendron
Blaylock Estate, where this enormous rhododendron flourishes, is near Nelson B.C., a large mansion on 13 acres with arboretum. Rhododendrons grow well at this lakeside location and throughout the Kootenays in B.C. as well as in the Maritime provinces on Canada's east coast.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Rhodos, Azaleas Bloom for Garden Tour Sunday May 29, 2011

Brueckner Rhododendron Garden Tour promises a Blooming Good Show! Forsythia, Japanese Cherries, Apple trees, Spring bulbs, wildflowers

Just two weeks less a day until the annual (free!) BRG garden tour the afternoon of Sunday May 29, and it promises to be a blooming good show, despite the cool spring weather this year. But the cool spring means that the usual early bloomers will be part of the show this year, not long gone.

Brueckner Garden Entrance from Godfreys Lane Port Credit ON
 Lake Ontario shoreline is barely visible through the trees coming into leaf at the south east entrance to the Brueckner garden on Godfreys Lane and the Waterfront Trail in Mississauga. This garden bed is only a few seasons old, but the rhodos are already doing their part to attract visitors.

Rhododendron Azaleas Forsythia in Bloom BRG Lake Ontario Lookout
These rhododendrons, azaleas and forsythia, located near the Lake Ontario lookout and seating area, are usually the first to bloom in Brueckner Rhododendron Gardens. I took this photo on May 9, 2011. Have a look at photos from April 26, 2011 - - two weeks earlier! Note the Japanese cherries in bloom in that post: They were still in bud May 9, 2011, but will hopefully be out in all their glory for the Garden Tour.

Early Blooming White Rhododendron Mississauga ON
This white rhodo is also one of the first to bloom each year. Look for it near the top of the hill in the West (Heritage) garden. Some of the mauve rhodos on the hillside south of the Rose Garden are also in full bloom in the new beds on this north-facing woodland bed.

Deep Pink Rhodos and White Magnolia Tree Bloom early May
 This photo was taken near the top rear Heritage Rhodo Bed at the south edge near the fence. The large magnolia trees are in full bloom, framing the deep pink rhodos now in bloom. More magnolia trees, including the Brueckner memorial magnolia, are in bloom now just south of the entrance parking lot. In 2010 they were in bloom almost a month earlier!

Dr Brueckner Memorial Rhododendrons Bloom Early Spring
If Dr. Brueckner had been a chef, and the Garden a restaurant, then this Heritage rhododendron bed would be the signature dish: This rhodo bed contains the longest-established rhodos and azaleas in the Garden. This hillside bed framed by tall trees offers one of the finest photo locations in the City of Mississauga. Lucky the brides who have booked this location for the end of May and early June in 2011!

Rhododendron mucronulatum  Blooms Along Waterfront Trail Mississauga
 This rhododendron mucronulatum Cornell Pink was in bud a few weeks ago (see this post), and it's now in full bloom. Look for it in the bed along the Waterfront Trail path along Tecumseh Creek between the Interim Place seating area and the Garden office building.

Rhodos and Azaleas BRG Entrance Lakeshore Road Mississauga ON
 This sign flanked by rhodos and azaleas directs visitors from Lakeshore Road West at Shawnmarr Road into the BRG parking area. There is a traffic light at this intersection. If you miss the turnoff into the Garden, it's easy enough to turn onto the closest side street and come back. If the parking lot is full, you can park on Shawnmarr Road where there is a 15 hour limit.

BRG East Garden New Mauve-Pink Rhododendrons Bed 1
The new beds in the East Garden (east of the creek and the parking lot, bordered by Godfreys Lane) has 7 new rhododendron and azalea beds coming into their first year of blooms. With the passing years, as the new plants become well-established, these East Garden beds promise to rival those of the West Garden!

If you aren't able to join the BRG head gardener and volunteers for the guided tour on May 29 from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m., do drop by whenever you can. Weekdays, as a rule, see fewer visitors. (Dog owners are reminded to keep dogs on leash and confined to the paths where possible to prevent damage to the rhodos and other plants.)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

What's Blooming at BRG Port Credit Mississauga

Forsythia, Rhododendrons, Scilla, Snowdrops, Violets, Primroses Early Spring Bloomers at BRG

Even with the unusually cool and rainy weather, Spring is starting to bloom at the BRG in Port Credit. Here's a look at some of the flowers and shrubs you can see on a walk through the Garden now, with more blooms arriving with each burst of warm sunny weather.

Deep Pink Rhododendron South Garden Near Lake Ontario
 This rhododendron is one of the first to bloom each spring. Look for the splash of color in the bed close to the lake viewpoint with benches in the south garden, walking straight south of the parking lot.

Rhododendron Mucronolatum 'Cornell Pink"
 Very excited to see the first blooms on this early blooming R. Mucronolatum in the new bed just north of the garden office building and east of the parking lot at the Waterfront Trail. This is a new bed, and the last one planted last fall. How nice to see about a dozen of these low growing rhodos all in bud with blooms opening daily.

Pieris Japonica - Japanese Andromeda
A companion plant to rhododendrons, Japanese Andromeda is also in bloom, in the Heritage beds on the west side of the BRG behind the split rail fence. See this post for more on this shrub.

Scilla Siberica - Wood Squill - Siberian Squill
Scilla is also known as Siberian Squill or Wood Squill is a welcome early spring bloomer in the Garden. Look for these plants along the Waterfront Trail west of Tecumseh Creek (the small creek that bisects the BRG). This large clump surrounds the base of a large tree.

Siberian Squill - Scilla Sibericus Close Up
Close up look at Scilla: Click on image to enlarge, click Back button to return to this post. See also Wikipedia Squill page.

Purple Wood Violets Blooming at BRG
There are not a lot of them but these tiny purple blooms are indeed a welcome harbinger of spring in Port Credit. Once you see them in bloom, you know the trilliums are about to open, too. BRG has only a few trilliums, the wildflower emblem of Ontario, though it's hoped more will be planted in the garden. These violets may be found along the Waterfront Trail, near the peony bed just south of the BRG office building.

Snowdrops in Bloom Around Interim Place Plaque at BRG
Enter the Garden by the parking area at Lakeshore and Shawnmarr in Port Credit, and look east: There's a seating area marking the site of the first Interim Place women's shelter, surrounded by snowdrops in a mass of white.

Yellow Primroses along Tecumseh Creek at BRG
Fat yellow buds were set to open a few days ago when I took these pictures. By now, despite the cold rain, they should be flashing yellow from their locations along Tecumseh Creek near the north bridge closest to the Garden office building. Stand on the bridge, and scan the creek banks in both directions. Another clump is located a bit further south, where the wire mesh safety fencing ends.

Forsythia Finally Beginning to Bloom
Bright yellow forsythia should be well in bloom by Mother's Day this weekend. There are several plantings in the BRG from near the nursery at Godfreys Lane to the viewpoint area overlooking Lake Ontario.

With the cool, wet spring, the azaleas and rhododendrons as well as the usual spring blooming plants are flowering a little later in the season. Here are pictures of the rhodos in bloom the end of May 2010, and May 12 2009.