Almost four years in the making, the Rose Garden design has a legend to help name that rose!
It's not perfect, but this map of the rose beds at Brueckner Rhododendron Garden will serve the purpose for now. And just in time, as the Rose Garden is in fine bloom this week. Have a look:
Rose Garden Design and Legend for BRG Rose Beds |
Click on the above image to view this legend / map in a larger size, then click the Back button to return to this page. Before you visit the Garden (
BRG map), you may want to print out the legend to bring with you.
Brueckner Rhododendron Garden Mississauga Ontario |
The Rose Garden is just over the rise from the parking lot entrance on Lakeshore Road West at Shawnmarr, and so is not readily visible. Note, too, the hosta beds (next to No. 9) as they are coming into bloom as well.
Rose Garden Design Legend No. 4: Scentimental Rose |
Here's a closer look at No. 4 in the legend: Scentimental. It seems no two Scentimental blooms are the same. And they are very fragrant! Just to the rear of Scentimental is Brother Cadfael; past that, in No. 2 is Evelyn. See in
detail on this post. I see by the date, the roses are in bloom almost to the same day as they bloomed last year. Last year this time, most of the rhodos and azaleas had finished blooming; this year, there are a fair number of rhodos still in bloom.
Scentimental Roses in Full Bloom BRG Port Credit |
Here's another picture of Scentimental. This year and for the first time, all the roses in the Garden were hard pruned, and they are looking great. The white roses seen in the right background are Iceberg.
Eglantyne Pink Rose in Full Bloom |
The roses in this bed in the picture above were the subject of a lively discussion amongst Garden committee members: Was this Brother Cadfael? Eglantyne? The Ingenious Mr. Fairchild? All those roses are pink. (It's likely apparent why we were in need of a rose garden design map and legend.)
But Para's (the BRG head gardener) memory and rose knowledge trumped the committee's as he proved that this rose bed is
Tess of the d'Urbervilles (Red Rose) and Iceberg (White Rose) |
Some of the original Tess of the d'Urbervilles roses didn't make it through the past few winters, so Iceberg (white) roses were planted on the perimeter of this bed (No. 11). The red-and-white roses mimic the colors of the Canadian flag, and bloom in time for Canada Day, July 1.
Abraham Darby Yellow Rose No.6 BRG Rose Garden Layout |
Abraham Darby (No. 6) is the other yellow / apricot colored rose in the Garden, and shows a deeper orange/ apricot center. Evelyn (No. 2) can look the same when it first blooms, or is in bud, but Evelyn fades to pinky-peach, or peachy-pink.
Iceberg White Rose in Full Bloom at Brueckner Garden |
White rose Iceberg is looking fine in its own bed (No. 5) as well as framing the crimson Tess in No. 10. With any or all of these pictures, click to enlarge, then click Back.
Rose Garden Viewed from Waterfront Trail |
Here's how the roses look from the Waterfront Trail along Tecumseh Creek.
Do stop by and 'smell the roses' this Canada holiday long weekend! Especially if you are planning to come to Port Credit to take part in the
July 1 parade, entertainment and fireworks.
The Rose Garden The Early Years: See how the
rose garden looked when first it was laid out and designed.