PJM Rhododendrons are in peak bloom at the BRG in Port Credit. PJMs are a little late this spring, as they usually bloom by the end of April or early May with a profusion of deep mauve pink blossoms. Since rain is forecast for the next few days, I took these photos to capture the best of the PJMs in case their gorgeous blossoms get washed away.
PJMs are hybrid rhodos named for P. J. Mezitt, who founded
Weston Nurseries in 1923.
PJM Rhododendrons in Brueckner Memorial Bed |
Hillside Garden Heritage PJM Rhodos Port Credit Ontario |
New PJM Rhododendron Beds Blooming at BRG |
Heritage Rhododendron Garden PJM Hybrids in Full Bloom |
New PJM Rhododendron First Season Blooms |
PJM Rhodos Overlook Rose Garden ~ BRG in Mississauga |
Deep Mauve PJM Blossoms ~ Mississauga Ontario |
Pink Rhododendron on Lake Ontario Shoreline Garden |
Mauve Blossoms Cover Rhododendron Shrub on Hillside Garden |
Fallen Blossoms Signal End of Blooming Time |
A few of the rhododendrons and azaleas that bloomed before the PJMs have succumbed to the heavy rains and their petals carpet the hillside. And while the PJMs are in peak bloom this week, hundreds more rhodos and azaleas are covered with fat buds just waiting to burst forth.
If you want to see the PJMs, head to the Garden this weekend (address, map in right menu). Hopefully, some of the PJMs will still be in flower for the
Garden Tour in 10 days time - May 29,
Bring your camera!
PS And if you're in the Garden on May 21, in the morning, and you see about a hundred very busy gardeners, then you are witness to
volunteers from Zhu Chi West Toronto, who make an enormous contribution to helping the Garden grow!
Here's a photo of one of the largest rhododendrons I've ever seen, submitted by the photographer/blogger at
http://we-love-rv-ing.blogspot.com/ and posted here with permission.
Blaylock Estate British Columbia Rhododendron |
Blaylock Estate, where this enormous rhododendron flourishes, is near Nelson B.C., a large mansion on 13 acres with arboretum. Rhododendrons grow well at this lakeside location and throughout the Kootenays in B.C. as well as in the Maritime provinces on Canada's east coast.