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Asiatic Lilies Snow Crystal (white) and Monte Negro (red) bring to mind poinsettias! But a lot showier!

Denia pixie is an Asiatic lily with evenly pink blooms, yellow stamen.
The honey bees were absolutely loving this pink lily -- Asiatic lily Lollypop. (See picture below.)
Here's a close up of the bee in the Lollypop lily blossom.
Q: How gorgeous are these flowers? A: Very! A visitor to the lily garden asked how we managed to get these lilies to bloom so lavishly. Was it a special type of lily? Did we use a special fertilizer? The lilies in her home garden were not blooming at all. While I couldn't give her an absolute answer, I did ask her if they were in a sunny location, and to check the variety, as maybe they were later bloomers. (Para, where are you when I need you ?)
We think that these lilies -- just this side of neon yellow -- are Connecticut King, an Asiatic lily. In the bright sun, they are stunning!
These yellow lilies are a cooler shade, an icy yellow. A nice counterpoint to the more vibrant shades. All in all, a promising premiere of the newest garden at BRG.
Not all lilies have been identified, but as names become known, this page will be updated.
- See the July-August Blooming Lilies
- As were the plants for the new Rose Garden and Peony Bed, and, of course, the Brueckner rhododendrons, these lilies and irises were donated by a private citizen.
- Come by and see the lily garden as soon as you can. There are lots of lilies yet to come into bloom over the next few weeks. See this post for new lily bed layout and planting.