
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Happy Holidays from Brueckner Rhododendron Garden

Settling into Winter, Eager for Spring that promises to be the best blooming time ever!

It's been a very busy and productive year at this City of Mississauga (Ontario, Canada) public garden. Many new rhododendron and azalea beds were added, along with companion plants.

As well, new sitting areas were installed, dozens of perennials added, new fencing installed, and drainage improved. Many new trees were planted (including some of the wonderful spring blooming magnolias) and a few old soldiers, like one grand but damaged American Chestnut, were removed.

2011 promises to be one of the BRG best blooming seasons ever, weather and a gentle winter permitting, and staff and volunteers are eagerly awaiting the Spring 2011 season to see the fruits of their labour over the past few years.

Many thanks to the dozens of volunteers who came to help maintain and build this showcase public garden, with its hundreds of rhododendrons and azaleas.

The 'growing' of the Garden has been a monumental task, and special thanks go out to head gardener, Para Kanp, and to tireless volunteer labourer, David Culham. Thousands of visitors over the decades to come will reap the colourful rewards of all your hard work.

Thanks, too, to the City of Mississauga staff who oversee this garden, and make the large projects possible.

If you'd like to help us grow, or to get the email edition of the BRGSC newsletter, leave a comment below, with your contact information (will not be published).

To all our visitors, a very Happy New Year! We look forward to seeing you in the Rhodo Garden in the spring!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Pine Needle Mulch, Compost ~ Rhododendron Azalea Winter Preparations at Brueckner Garden

November 8 Monday: Volunteers to spread 20 tonnes of compost 

The countdown is on to the first snowfall of the winter: Will the compost get spread before winter sets in? Happily the weather forecast for the second week in November is for sunny and fairly mild days. With the weather cooperating, all that's needed is a bit of help from our Friends of the Garden to spread the 20 tonnes of compost coming November 8!

Pine Needle Mulch New Rhodo Beds East Garden Port Credit

This past week, volunteers David, Lynne and Karen (moi!) worked on several mornings adding pine needle mulch around the rhodos and azaleas in the East Garden. A few hardy azaleas rewarded us with mauve blossoms. These plants were new to the Garden this year, and all are looking very healthy and happy in their new location.

Wheelbarrows full of Pine Needle Mulch for Winterizing  Rhododendrons

Spreading pine needle mulch is one of the easier garden tasks: the mulch is light, and it smells wonderfully pine-y! Toss in a sunny fall day, and the work goes fast. Not only does mulch acidify the soil, among other things, it also helps keeps weeds at bay and conserve on water.

Landscape Fabric Rhododendron Azalea Bed Pre-Mulch

Volunteers also worked on this bed near the new benches overlooking Lake Ontario adding a patchwork of landscape fabric first to help keep weeds out, water in. New plantings were added to established rhodos and azaleas this season. Landscape fabric and mulch added this year will help in the goal to make the Garden beds lower maintenance in the years to come.

Re-Locating Iceberg Roses, Planting New Roses Fall Garden 

Volunteer and Garden stewardship committee member Terry demonstrates his hole-digging skills as the Iceberg roses from one bed were moved to another bed of Iceberg to fill it in. Then volunteers and staff planted several new rose varieties in the newly-emptied bed.

Head Gardener and Volunteers Get the Rose Garden Job Done!

Here's another view of the 'new' rose bed. Almost all the plantings, new and established, shrubs and perennials and trees, are looking very healthy and happy this fall. They promise to give a wonderful show of blooms next spring and summer.

What better way to say goodbye to a glorious Autumn that to spend time out of doors with a congenial group helping grow the Garden?

If you can help, call 311 and let us know. Or leave a comment below. Or just come by the Garden (Lakeshore and Shawnmarr) on Monday November 8 as close to 9 a.m. as you can. Bring gloves if you have them, a snack and a drink.

See 20 tonnes of compost unloaded, shifted and spread in record time by men, women and machines. Have a look at photos of compost spreading photos from last fall and fall garden prep and planting.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Lake Ontario Viewpoint Makeover ~ Benches, Fence, Plants Improve Great Photo Location in Mississauga

Popular Brueckner Rhododendron Garden lookout gets new seating, split rail fence

The Lake Ontario lookout at BRG, a great favourite with many Garden visitors, has been given a makeover and is now sporting three new benches, a new split rail fence and new plantings. With a total of four benches in the immediate area, there's room for more to sit a while, and admire the fabulous lake and garden views. Beach-goers will access the waterfront area from a new entry point.

Lake Ontario Viewpoint Brueckner Rhododendron Garden

One of the most romantic spots in Mississauga is here at the Garden, overlooking Lake Ontario, near a large rhododendron and azalea bed. The above photo shows a couple sitting on one of the old benches. The other old bench was located to the right, out of view in this picture, and looked directly into shrubbery. Over the years, the trees had grown, and the beach cliff eroded. This lookout makeover was well due!

 New Concrete Pads Poured for New Benches At BRG

City staff inspect new concrete pads prior to installation of new benches. The new bench locations were sited on the perimeter of a large circle. Plans allow for creating a new circular shrub and flower bed of low-growing plants in the middle area.

 New Black Garden Bench, Old Wood and Steel Bench Support

The old benches and supports (photo: steel, red painted wood and concrete footing) were cut and removed. The new black benches were affixed to the new concrete pads. In periods of wet weather or snow melt, the ground around the old benches would get muddy. The new concrete should give much firmer and safer footing.

The BRG Stewardship Committee agreed with the city staff proposal for these new installations. While access to the beach below is still available, it will be via a gentler, safer trail across the slope. Some existing lilies on the edge of the embankment had to be transplanted out of the way of the new path and closer to the fence.

 Concrete Pads for Park Bench Overlooking Lake Ontario

Here's another view of two of the three new concrete pads, with one of the old red-brown benches in the background. Grass seed was sown in the bare areas. [Note the absence of fencing between the grass and the drop off to the Lake.]

One of the new benches is sporting a memorial plaque. (City of Mississauga sponsor a tree, bench info here). As you walk through this Garden, take note of these plaques, most often on benches or at the base of trees. A lovely and lasting memorial!

 City Crew, Tractor Remove Old Bench Supports, Footings, for Recycling

Remains of two older benches were hauled away in short order to make way for the new benches. The old wood will be separated from the steel supports, the old concrete footer will be broken off, and the steel recycled for other uses.

New Benches, Split Rail Fence, New Perennial Plantings

Note the grass has sprouted and is filling in bare areas around the concrete pads. The new split rail rustic fence, IMO, is a great addition. It serves to frame this lovely view, and provide a barrier for those who may be looking more at the view than at where they are stepping. The new beach and lakeshore access can be seen in the background, directly behind the bench.  

Million Dollar Lake Ontario Views Free to All at Brueckner Garden

Though this day, no sailboats, power boats, tankers or even flocks of migrating birds were in sight, this gorgeous scene is constantly changing, not only with water craft traffic, but also with the passage of the sun, the monthly phases of the moon and each new season. 

The view also changes as volunteers add new plantings, like Black Eyed Susans, transplanted from existing beds to this location

Here's a video of this viewpoint in the midst of an early winter storm:

Brueckner Rhododendron Garden is already a popular location for wedding photos and special occasion photos. The makeover of this viewpoint provides yet another gorgeous location for picture taking!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Archbishop Romero Catholic SS Students HELP Grow Brueckner Rhododedron Garden

Mississauga Secondary School outreach initiatives program benefits BRG

Sept 29, 2010: Brueckner Rhododendron Garden was a classroom for the day for Mississauga high school students in the Humanitarian Experiential Leadership Program (H.E.L.P.) at Archbishop Romero Catholic Secondary School.

About a dozen students came to the Garden with H.E.L.P. teacher, James Scott Neil, to plant wildflowers and shrubs under the direction of Gardens volunteer David Culham.

Archbishop Romero Catholic SS HELP Naturalize Tecumseh Creek

On a crisp Fall morning, H.E.L.P. students with garden gloves and shovels got some hands-on experience with soil and native plantings in the Wild Flower Bed, a naturalized green space located between the Waterfront Trail and Tecumseh Creek.
"The students planted all 36 Cardinal plants and dug 50 holes for new shrubs," said David Culham, Brueckner Rhododendron Garden Stewardship Committee volunteer member.  "They then dug another 10 holes for rhododendrons, and then they cleaned out the Garden nursery. They packed a trailer load of plastic for recycling."

Volunteer Student Gardeners ~ Waterfront Trail Wildflowers

David Culham distributes T-shirts to Archbishop Romero H.E.L.P. students. Gardening is messy work and clean clothing is appreciated at the end of a hard day's work. The students and teacher came to the Garden at 7 a.m. and worked for 5 hours.
"We reorganized our existing Cardinal flowers that had been planted in 2008 to a more visible front row in the flower bed," said Culham. "The Cardinals had been planted behind the taller, bushier Sky Blue wild asters, and so they couldn't be seen from the Waterfront Trail. Now they are very visible. These three dozen new plants will add a needed splash of bright red."

Archbishop Romero SS Students ~ Interim Place Memorial Bed

The area of Brueckner Rhododendron Garden where the students were working is the site of the original Interim Place shelter for women and children. A memorial bed and plaque commemorate the work of this local charity. Said Culham:
"It seemed appropriate to show the students the memorial for the house that had been on the site where they were digging and planting cardinal plants. That discussion came up because of nails they found in the soil and asked me how they came to be there."

"The students did an excellent job and they were great company."

James Scott Neil (above photo, far right) administers the H.E.L.P. program at Archbishop Romero Catholic Secondary School, located at 90 Dundas Street West in Mississauga.
'Environmental stewardship is only one aspect of the H.E.L.P. program designed for senior-level students (completing Grade 10 or 11) who will thrive in an experiential learning environment, and are looking to make a difference in the world through a variety of community and international social action. It appeals to young people who seek adventure, and are inspired to contribute positively to local, national and global communities in the spirit of catholicity.' Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board.
On behalf of City of Mississauga garden staff and volunteers, a big Thank You to the teacher and students for your work in the Garden!

Cardinal Plant - Native Wildflower Added to Naturalization Area

Brueckner Rhododendron Garden is in its final year of major expansion and upgrading, says Para Kanp, head gardener. About 95 percent of the work is done, said Kanp, with about one year's work ahead to completion. Groups and other volunteers such as these students are an enormous help with the work yet to be done, and with ongoing garden cultivation.

 Brueckner Rhododendron Garden Archives - DJ Culham

For more information on how you can help grow the Garden, call 311 [within Mississauga / Brampton.]

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Volunteers Tzu Chi West Toronto Office Cultivating Brueckner Rhododendron Garden

If you saw a hundred or so people hard at work at Brueckner Rhododendron Garden in the middle of a holiday long weekend, the last long weekend of the summer at that, then you were witness to some of the volunteer work of Tzu Chi West Toronto Office, a non-profit charity that tends the Garden about three times each year.

Their generous contribution of time and effort makes a huge impact on the overall appearance of the Garden beds, and is testament yet again that 'many hands make light work'.

Here are some photos of the Tzu Chi volunteers at the Garden in September.

Volunteers from Tzu Chi West Toronto Office

For several years now, the Tzu Chi West Toronto Office volunteers have come to tend the Brueckner Rhododendron Garden as part of the City of Mississauga’s Litternot Program. Usually some 50-70 volunteers, many of them families, show their love for the earth by weeding and cleaning the Garden, while enjoying the beautiful scenery and peaceful surroundings.

Tzu Chi Volunteer Gardeners Cultivating Rhododendron Beds at BRG

At present, the West Toronto Office has over 160 active volunteers, and about 600 supporters. Tzu Chi volunteers serve their community in many ways, including helping at senior homes, food banks, and with the City of Mississauga’s LitterNot program.

Tzu Chi Volunteers Clean Lake Ontario Beach Brueckner Rhododendron Garden

Brueckner Rhododendron Garden is sited on the north shore of Lake Ontario. Storms, winds and waves, as well as thoughtless visitors, can toss lots of litter onto the shoreline of the Garden. Several times a year, garden staff and volunteers such as Tzu Chi West Toronto Office make a concerted effort to clean up this beach.

Tzu Chi Volunteers at BRG Mississauga Ontario  

On the Labour Day weekend alone, 120 Tzu Chi volunteers weeded 9 flower beds and cleaned up the lake shore in two hours. Because this larger than usual number of volunteers were able to attend, much was accomplished. Over the next week or so, other visitors to the Garden commented on how lovely and well-tended the garden beds were.

Tzu Chi West Toronto Office Group Photo at Brueckner Rhododendron Garden

After a few hours' work, it was time for lunch, a bit of socializing and a group photo.

"We had a very good time [at the BRG], said Adrienne, Tzu Chi Volunteer Coordinator. "Work and play is the greatest combination of life, isn't it?"

Update August 28 2011 Tzu Chi Day at the Garden.

Tzu Chi’s 'Four Missions, Eight Footprints' are Charity, Medicine, Education, Humanities, International Relief, Bone-Marrow Donation, Community Volunteerism, and Environmental Protection. Through volunteer activities, Tzu Chi members blend Buddhist teachings into their daily lives.

To learn more about Tzu Chi Foundation Canada, see

For Tzu Chi West Toronto, see

For Tzu Chi Global, see

Thank you, Tzu Chi volunteers!
On behalf of Gardens staff, volunteers and visitors, a great big THANK YOU! to Tzu Chi. Your work is much appreciated !

If your group would like to help cultivate Brueckner Rhododendron Gardens, call 311 from anywhere in the cities of Brampton and Mississauga and let us know. Or post a comment and we will get back to you. Students looking to fulfill community service hours should also call for information.

Much work (compost, mulch, weeding, planting, etc) is scheduled to be done this fall to get the Garden ready for winter.

Monday, September 13, 2010

American Chestnut Mississauga Port Credit Gone with the Winds at Brueckner Rhododendron Gardens

One less American Chestnut in Southern Ontario as grand old tree became a storm casualty at Brueckner garden in Port Credit Mississauga.

A short but violent windstorm on Friday September 3 claimed one of the few remaining American chestnuts in Brueckner garden, and indeed in all of southern Ontario. And the saddest aspect, perhaps, is we never knew it was 'sick'.

Here are some pictures that show this chestnut tree in full and glorious bloom, and after the wind storm brought it down. Click on an image to enlarge, then click Back button to return to this page.

American Chestnut in Bloom
Here's a picture of this America Chestnut tree (middle, tallest tree) taken in early June, 2010. If you visit the Garden, you may recognize its location as the west garden between the heritage Brueckner Rhododendron garden and the entrance parking area.

This chestnut leafed out beautifully, and was laden with blooms on every branch. It gave no hint that it was stressed. It had survived / avoided the chestnut blight that decimated most of these trees last century, and countless storms. it appeared the picture of chestnut health.

Close Up Photo of American Chestnut Flowers
These are the chestnut flowers of this same tree. Almost overshadowed by the featured rhodos at the height of their bloom, these chestnut blooms added to the overall lushness of the spring blooming gardens.

Wind storm claims a Grand old American Chestnut Tree
Here's the picture I took the evening following the sudden violent wind and rain storm that swept through this part of southern Ontario the Friday afternoon start to the Labour Day weekend. This storm brought a large amount of rain, and high winds, but little or no lightning or thunder.

Chestnut Tree Fallen on BRG Trail
This picture is taken from the start of the trail from the parking area entrance, looking south towards the Heritage Rhodo beds. The blooming flowers are in the Annual Bed.  I had entered the Gardens from the (opposite) southeast entrance, at Godfrey's Lane, and several visitors, noticing I was taking pictures, mentioned the large tree down at the west entrance.

American Chestnut ~ Rotten at the Core
As this damage occurred at the start of a long weekend, city crews could only mark the chestnut with tape until workers could remove it. City staff I spoke to said that although a number of trees and branches had fallen in the storm, this chestnut was the largest tree they had seen.

It's difficult to appreciate the girth of this tree, but the remaining sawn-off stump is almost 3 feet across. And in the core, you can see the cavity damage that weakened it, fatally.

American Chestnut Backdrop for Kennedy Plaque Dedication
This chestnut was in bloom when the Kennedy Memorial Plaque was unveiled in June 2009 (white flowers, top left).

Kennedy Memorial Plaque Safe Between the Chestnut Branches
Incredibly, the Harold Kennedy Memorial stand with plaque emerged unscathed in the midst of the enormous fallen Chestnut canopy.

Chestnut takes out Plantings around Kennedy Plaque
One of the shrub beds around the Kennedy Memorial Plaque was collateral damage from the falling chestnut tree. The shrubs to the right in this photo are fine, but the ones to the left, including a new standard rose tree, are gone but one, and will be replaced as soon as possible.

Willow Tree Branch ~ Waterfront Trail at West Side, South Bridge
Coming in via the Southeast garden, as I had, I first encountered this willow branch that had fallen across this part of the Waterfront Trail. Willows are notorious for losing large bits or entire trees during windstorms. See this post for one of the fallen willows.

As with much else, so too with this late, great American Chestnut tree at the Garden: You don't know what you've lost until it's gone. Indeed, I didn't even realize until now that American Chestnuts are on the endangered species list.

There is one other large chestnut tree in the Garden, and I posted the link to a previous post about Carolinian forest trees  below. Also for reference are links to American chestnut tree information.

Related information, Pictures:
Last Chestnut at Brueckner Gardens?
ROM Royal Ontario Museum - American Chestnut
Canadian Chestnut Council

Friday, August 13, 2010

More New Rhododendron Gardens, Flowers Bloom BRG

Brueckner Rhododendron Garden Stewardship Committee (BRGSC) Meets On Site at the Garden to tour new rhodo beds

The BRGSC August meeting was on site at the Gardens to tour the new rhododendron beds added this season. Para, head gardener and BRGSC member, led the group tour to talk about what work had been done, and what new projects are still to come. Here are some photos of the new gardens and some of the annual and perennial flower beds that give color all summer.

BRGSC Garden Tour ~ Annual Flower Bed
Stewardship committee members David and Daphne at the annual bed, with mauve flowered Russian sage in bloom. This flower bed, located just south of the Garden parking lot at Lakeshore Road West and Shawnmarr Road, has perennial and shrub plantings, but the annual plantings change each year.

Flower Garden Bed - Brueckner Rhododendron Garden
Another flower bed located just east of the parking lot is a riot of yellows. This garden is largely perennials with some annuals added each season. The trail in the background is the section of the Waterfront Trail that runs along Tecumseh Creek in this area.

Florida Dogwood in Bloom ~ Mississauga Garden
Committee member David with Florida Dogwood. This stunning blooming tree is located on the far side of the hill trail that leads from the parking lot. This evening meeting meant the light was dim for photo taking, but the white dogwood blossoms still stood out. This dogwood is located close to the west fence, with the lake view in the background.

Florida Dogwood Close-Up
A closer look at the Florida Dogwood. The green centers turn red as the bloom matures, and are filled with seeds. This particular tree has some stressed branches that are starting to leaf out again.

White Rhododendron in Bloom in August ~ Mississauga
Follow the Waterfront Trail towards Lake Ontario, then cross the south bridge (closest to the lake) towards Godfrey's Lane. To the left, there is a large rhododendron that sent out a late season white bloom. (Rhodos usually bloom in spring, not mid-summer).

New Rhododendron Garden - BRG East Garden
BRGSC seeing first hand the new plantings in a rhodo bed in the East Garden. About 9 new rhodo gardens have been added in this area of the BRG. To shade and shelter the rhododendrons, staff planted a number of new trees. This East Garden, previously under-developed, has been the target for many of the new plantings.

Annual Bed Lakeshore Road ~ BRG East Garden
This annual flower bed at Lakeshore Road West near Godfreys' Lane and the Port Credit sign is perhaps the most visible to passing traffic. Again, some perennials and shrubs are grown here, but the annual flower show changes each year. This year, the coleus are giving a superb show, even at twilight.

New Rhododendron Bed ~ West Garden BRG
City staff and volunteers planted most of the new rhodos, etc. in the East Garden beds, but  they also in-filled existing beds in West Garden, adding dozens of new plants and trees, including rhodos, azaleas, white pine and magnolias. Here, Joe, city garden staff, rototills under the trees where another new rhodo bed, with shade trees already in position, will soon be planted.

And to give you a spot to rest a spell and admire the views, several more Garden benches are being replaced, and a few new ones are to be installed.

For a map to Brueckner Rhododendron Gardens, see the googlemap link in the right menu. BRG is open daily, year round and admission is free!

Saturday, July 31, 2010


New Rhododendron, Azalea Plants Brueckner Rhododendron Gardens

Eight new rhododendron gardens! Eight! All new beds, with hundreds of rhododendrons and azaleas and companion plants have been planted at Brueckner Rhododendron Garden in Port Credit (Mississauga, Ontario).

And the established beds around the Garden have been topped up with dozens of new rhodos and azaleas. Next spring promises to be spectacular with blooms!

Here are some pictures showing how the new rhododendron gardens came to be, thanks to hard work from the head gardener and staff, with help from the team at the City of Mississauga.

Breaking Ground ~ New Rhododendron Garden ~ Mississauga
One of the new rhodo gardens is located in the northeast corner of BRG, where Godfrey's Lane meets Lakeshore Road. This part of the Garden was once the site of several homes, the structures long since demolished and and the land filled in.  As the Gardens team cut the new beds, concrete parts of old foundations came to the surface, and were removed from the site.

East Rhododendron Garden ~ Godfrey's Lane
Another of the new rhododendron beds was established in the East Garden. In this picture, the staff is removing stones and debris, and raking the bed to level the ground.

BRG Staff Preparing New Rhododendron Garden
The above photo is a closer look at the slope in the East Garden as staff (and a volunteer) prepare one of the new rhodo gardens. In the background, you can see a front end loader doing a lot of the heavy lifting on another of the new rhodo beds.

City Of Mississauga Crew At Brueckner Rhododendron Gardens
A group photo of the crew, with head gardener, Para, second from right, and volunteer Don, third from left. The usual complement of gardens staff on site at Brueckner is 2-4; For the new rhododendron plantings, extra staff were brought in to help with this huge project.

Delivering Peat Moss for New Rhododendron Garden Port Credit
After the crew prepared the new rhodo gardens, their work was only partly done. Then came the trucks with tonnes of compost and bales of peat moss that had to be carted to the newly prepared gardens.

Truckload of Compost for New Rhododendron Azalea Gardens
The front end loader and cart moved the huge pile of compost and dozens of bales of peat moss to the new rhodo and azalea beds. A monumental task! Makes me weary just looking at the photo!

City of Mississauga Gardeners BRG Moving Compost, Peat Moss
Using the front end loader and cart, staff moved compost and peat moss to the new rhodo gardens, then spread them on, tilled them in and raked the new beds smooth in preparation for bringing in and planting hundreds of rhodos, azaleas and companion plants.

New Rhododendron Garden Plantings ~ East Brueckner Garden
And so the new rhododendron gardens took shape, with rhodos, azaleas and shade trees planted and mulched. The rhododendrons planted in these sunnier locations are more heat and light tolerant varieties.

New Rhododendron Plants, Azaleas, Shrubs
This new rhododendron garden pictured above is the same one shown being prepared in the top photo on this page. Although these new rhododendron gardens are not particularly lovely to look at this summer (mostly just a bed of greenery), by next spring, the rhodos and azaleas should start pulling their weight with the established rhododendrons, and give a blooming good show!

Blooming Hydrangeas ~ Heritage Rhododendron Garden
But now, this summer, the hydrangeas step up their blooms to cheer us along until the rhodos and azaleas bloom next spring (late March to mid June, depending on weather and growing conditions). The annual beds and wildflowers, too, are in full bloom, and the hostas are lush and lovely.

Do stop by and walk around this wonderful public garden! Here's a googlemap.

And for as lovely as Brueckner Rhododendron Garden is now, imagine how gorgeous it will become over the coming decades.  A wonderful legacy for future generations!

(If you'd like to come help us grow, here's how on this post.)

Monday, July 5, 2010

Wedding Pictures Mississauga ~ Brueckner Rhododendron Gardens a Great Location

With the roses, lilies and hydrangeas now in bloom, Brueckner Rhododendron Gardens is a great location for taking wedding pictures. Or any other kind of photo, for that matter. Come to think of it, the Gardens roses and lilies would make gorgeous wedding bouquets :-) But don't be tempted: All flowers, shrubs, trees etc in Mississauga parks are public and for all to enjoy.

Have a look at some pictures of what's in bloom now at the Gardens: RosesTess, Captain Samuel, Iceberg and Evelyn, and hydrangeas and lilies.

Roses in Bloom at Brueckner Rhododendron Gardens
Captain Samuel Holland rose bed, pictured above, is at the top of the rose garden; the rose bed closest to the parking lot on Lakeshore Road and Shawnmarr.

Captain Samuel Holland Bright Pink Rose Close Up
This hardy Canadian rose is resistant to black spot and fungus. But notice the dark spot in the center of the smaller rose? Japanese beetles are back. Time to get hand-picking before they do damage!

Evelyn ~ Yellow Rose ~David Austin Roses
Evelyn shows different shades of yellow and apricot, depending on the stage of the bloom and the light at the time of day.

Iceberg White Rose ~ David Austin Rose
Iceberg is a beautiful white rose from David Austin Roses; there are two beds of Iceberg in the Rose Garden, and plans call for them to be merged into one bed. Canadian winters are not always kind to roses, and some Icebergs did not survive.

Tess of the D'Urbervilles ~ David Austin Red Rose
Tess Of The d'Urbervilles is another David Austin beauty, a red rose that begins as a gorgeous bud then opens to a double full bloom.

Stargazer Lily
The lily garden was decimated by red weevils last summer, but these Stargazer lilies in the main 'annual' bed just south of the parking lot at Lakeshore Road West in Port Credit are in full bloom now.  If you visit, take note of the weeping beech and Japanese maple, both new to this bed.

Captain Samuel Holland Red Roses ~ David Culham Photo
David Culham, chair of the BRG Stewardship Committee, sends along this photo of Captain Samuel Holland roses. If you'd like to volunteer, see details this post.

Hydrangeas, Geraniums, Stargazer Lilies ~ Summer Bloomers
The annual bed at the front of the Gardens is a picture right now, with chubby white hydrangeas, pink and yellow lilies, and salmon pink geraniums making a nature bouquet. The cleomes are just starting to open their buds.

There's a google map for the BRG in the right menu.  Come walk through the Gardens, and bring your camera! (And your bride, if you have one!).

To book BRG or other Mississauga parks, get a permit : Details on City Mississauga site.