Last night at dusk, I took a few pictures of the roses now blooming at the new rose garden. Here are two David Austin roses Eglantyne and Abraham Darby, and the sweet Scentimental.
[My digital camera batteries were low, and I wanted to use available light for truer color, so not all of these first rate pics, but they will give you an idea of what to expect when you visit.]
Scentimental are known for their fragrance and their candy-striped (peppermint candy) blooms. It seems no two blooms are ever the same.
Here's a tighter shot of a Scentimental rose bush so you can see the variations of colors on the same plant.
The David Austin site calls this 'one of the most beautiful English roses' and we have to agree.
Eglantyne is a full, double bloom rose that's considered very hardy and disease resistant. Like all the roses chosen for this new rose garden, Eglantyne has a wonderful scent.
I took two pictures of Austin's Abraham Darby rose. It really is lovely and is just coming into first full bloom.
Abraham Darby is described as 'apricot and yellow, tinted with pink' on the Austin site. I took a photo of these buds to see if my camera could capture the subtle mauve- blue rims of the new buds. It's really lovely.
See these pages for more information on these roses:
David Austin Eglantyne info
David Austin Abraham Darby
See more roses in bloom at Tess of the D'Urbervilles, Evelyn, Iceber, Chuckles
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