
About Dr Joseph Brueckner

In 2008, Rhododendron Garden in Mississauga Ontario Canada was renamed Brueckner Rhododendron Gardens to honour a long time Mississauga resident and master rhododendron hybridizer, the late Dr. Joseph Brueckner.

Dr Joseph Brueckner Memorial Plaque Heritage Garden in Winter

Many of Dr Brueckner's beloved rhodos were donated to, and live on, in these gardens, a City of Mississauga park at 660 Lakeshore Road West at Shawnmarr Road.

Brueckner Rhododendron Gardens' 18 acres (7.19 hectare) site is bounded on three sides by Lakeshore Road West, Godfrey's Lane and the north shore of Lake Ontario west of Toronto.

This Garden, formerly known as Cranberry Cove, enjoys a micro climate favourable to growing rhododendrons, azaleas, and other species of trees native to a Carolinian forest such as various types of beech trees and Kentucky coffeetrees.

Brueckner Rhododendron Gardens is owned and operated by the City of Mississauga:

For more information or to reserve park space please call the City of Mississauga Customer Service Centre at: 905-615-4100.

Over the past few years, Brueckner Rhododendron Garden has been undergoing major changes, with more gardens added:
  • more than 10 new rhododendron beds in the East Garden
  • the new section of Waterfront Trail along Tecumseh Creek
  • path, area lighting and trail lighting
  • new benches (several of which have wheelchair pads)
  • new lookout east side of south bridge
  • dozens of new trees, including white pine and magnolias
  • a Rose Garden and a Peony Garden
  • Harold Kennedy plaque: Pictures, video @ Harold Kennedy Memorial Plaque.
Over the coming years, more gardens and visitor amenities are planned, with new seating and viewpoints to accommodate the growing number of visitors.

See video of rhododendrons in bloom May 2012

Brueckner Rhododendron Garden relies upon and appreciates the work and input of its volunteers to help tend the many garden beds. For more information on how you or your group or business can help make this Garden grow, contact the City of Mississauga at 311.

Many of the plants in these gardens were donated by private citizens.
Planting, weeding, moving top soil and mulch, removing spent rhodo blossoms, etc., is also performed by volunteers.
We thank them all.