
Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Large Tree Removal Part One : City Park Access for Private Property Tree Removal

Brueckner Rhododendron Gardens, a City of Mississauga park, was used as access to remove a large poplar tree on private property that abuts the gardens at the Lakeshore Road entrance.

 This is Part 1: Crew and crane truck arrival, placement of steel mats, secondary tree removal, and visitors. See also Part 2 and Part 3

Crew Arrives to Prepare Tree Removal
The poplar (tall tree, centre of photo) was about 110 feet high. Though it appeared at first glance to be in decent shape, this was not the case and concerns were that high winds could bring it crashing down.

Parking Lot Rhododendron Gardens
The tree removal company brought trucks and equipment and crew that filled the BRG parking lot, arriving around 8 a.m. on a cloudy day in November. The parking lot was closed to public parking this day.

Crane Truck Off Loading Steel Mats
One crane truck first unloaded the steel mats that would provide a firm path from the BRG lot  across the lawn area towards the fence separating gardens from private lot.

Steel Mats Support Heavy Equipment
The steel mats are about one meter x 1.5 meters rectangle, each weighing in at 1300 pounds (about 590 kg). The closest weight guess by passersby was 800 lbs.

Crane Truck on Mat Road
The steel mats provide a solid base for cranes and prevent damage to the park grounds. Here the crane truck has moved from the parking lot towards its ultimate location close to the side fence separating park from private lands.

Crew Position Steel Mats
Here's a closer look at the tree removal crew positioning the mats held aloft by the crane operator.

Crane Lifting Steel Mat
This photo shows the crane truck lifting mat into position well above the new steel road towards the private property.

City Mississauga Forestry Crew Tree Removal
On a day already busy with the large poplar tree removal, who showed up but a City forestry crew with bucket truck. This crew was removing another dead tree along the path near the main rhodo beds.

Close Up Bucket Truck Mississauga Park Forestry
Here's a close up of the bucket access to trim branches prior to take down a dead evergreen.

Visitors at Brueckner Gardens
These visitors from Etobicoke who come several times a year to tour Brueckner Gardens had a lot more than flower and shrub beds to view this day. This much activity is an anomaly. Most days the Gardens are tranquil, and perfect for a serene respite from city life.

Hydro Crew Bucket Truck at BRG
And yet more visitors this busy day! Another bucket truck, this one from the hydro company,  showed up mid morning to check a transformer near the gardens office. Head gardener Para was kept busy directing traffic around the north west area of the BRG

Not photographed were Peel Police operating in this area this day. From time to time, a short burst of siren let all present know another speeder had bee stopped.

I took a large number of pictures throughout the day, far too many for one post. To see more tree removal pictures go to Part Two Tree Removal.