
Friday, October 9, 2009

BRG Fall Garden Winter Preparations - Weeding, Mulch, Compost, Planting Spring Bulbs, Dividing, Transplanting Perennials

Fall Garden Winter Preparations are in full swing at Brueckner Rhodo Gardens in Port Credit Ontario Canada: Fall is the time to prepare gardens for winter, to do some weeeding, add mulch and compost, to plant bulbs that will flower next Spring, and for digging up, dividing, and transplanting perennials that have become overcrowded. Fall is a busy time for garden staff and volunteers alike.

Compost Top Dressing - Rhododendrons Azaleas

The hillside overlooking the Rose Garden has been top dressed in compost, which not only improves the soil but also delineates the beds and shows off their lovely shapes. More beds are slated to be similarly prepared for winter garden protection and improvement. Clearly defined beds also serve to alert Gardens visitors that something precious lies there!

Weeding and Edging the Rose Garden at Brueckner

Volunteer weeder and edger, and all-round great mulch and compost spreader David tackles the Rose Garden to prepare it for winter. And since the snow in winter may hold off for several months yet, his hard work beautifies the rose beds, showcasing the many rose bushes still in bud and bloom. Volunteer Clare is tackling the rose bush pruning.

Solomon's Seal Transplanted at BRG

Solomon's seal, part of the lily family, has been transplanted this fall along the Waterfront Trail beside the creek, near the middle bridge. Mature plants were being overshadowed by the now grown rhododendrons and azaleas, and should have room to grow and flourish safe from the lawn care weed whackers.

Black Eyed Susans Digging, Dividing For Transplanting

In a perennial garden near the BRG parking lot at Lakeshore Road West, the Black-Eyed Susans were beginning to take over the entire bed. City staff and volunteers took advantage of a warm sunny fall day to dig them up, divide them into new plants, and move them to a new garden.

Black-Eyed Susans New Flower Garden

Black-Eyed Susans have been transplanted in their new perennial garden home where the Waterfront Trail meets Lakeshore Road West at Shawnmarr. Tall, hardy, sun and drought tolerant, these perennials will not only add color and interest to this part of the BRG, but they will also hide the unlovely guard rail while alerting passing traffic: "Hey! Look at me! Here I am!" The other side of the guard rail has been planted with day lilies that perform much the same as the Black-Eyed Susans.

New Azaleas Facing Lake Ontario

Up the trail from the Brueckner memorial plaque and over the hill, the gardens slope towards Lake Ontario. It is on the 'far side' that has seen much new planting of rhododendrons and azaleas. These new plantings add many more plants to the springtime rhodos glory, and offer more locations for wedding photos.

Planting Spring Bulbs Fall Winter Garden Task

Head gardener, Para Kanp, works with volunteer Don to plant spring bulbs in a new garden bed. Here, they are planting fat tulip bulbs that are a favourite snack of the many squirrels. To thwart the squirrels that call BRG 'home', Para has placed wire mesh over the newly-planted bulbs. Also visible in this picture are the transplanted Black-Eyed Susans.

Brueckner Rhododendron Gardens Lake Ontario Frontage

Most often I take pictures of the BRG frontage on Lake Ontario from the Gardens proper (see my other blog for photos). Today I walked the Waterfront Trail through the Gardens, up Godfrey's Lane to the park on the hill, then followed a path down the banks to take this picture showing the full frontage of Brueckner Rhodo Garden. The fall colors are just starting to emerge.

For how to get to BRG check the googlemap link in the right menu.

Come join us as we get the garden winter ready for a good show next spring and summer!