
Friday, August 13, 2010

More New Rhododendron Gardens, Flowers Bloom BRG

Brueckner Rhododendron Garden Stewardship Committee (BRGSC) Meets On Site at the Garden to tour new rhodo beds

The BRGSC August meeting was on site at the Gardens to tour the new rhododendron beds added this season. Para, head gardener and BRGSC member, led the group tour to talk about what work had been done, and what new projects are still to come. Here are some photos of the new gardens and some of the annual and perennial flower beds that give color all summer.

BRGSC Garden Tour ~ Annual Flower Bed
Stewardship committee members David and Daphne at the annual bed, with mauve flowered Russian sage in bloom. This flower bed, located just south of the Garden parking lot at Lakeshore Road West and Shawnmarr Road, has perennial and shrub plantings, but the annual plantings change each year.

Flower Garden Bed - Brueckner Rhododendron Garden
Another flower bed located just east of the parking lot is a riot of yellows. This garden is largely perennials with some annuals added each season. The trail in the background is the section of the Waterfront Trail that runs along Tecumseh Creek in this area.

Florida Dogwood in Bloom ~ Mississauga Garden
Committee member David with Florida Dogwood. This stunning blooming tree is located on the far side of the hill trail that leads from the parking lot. This evening meeting meant the light was dim for photo taking, but the white dogwood blossoms still stood out. This dogwood is located close to the west fence, with the lake view in the background.

Florida Dogwood Close-Up
A closer look at the Florida Dogwood. The green centers turn red as the bloom matures, and are filled with seeds. This particular tree has some stressed branches that are starting to leaf out again.

White Rhododendron in Bloom in August ~ Mississauga
Follow the Waterfront Trail towards Lake Ontario, then cross the south bridge (closest to the lake) towards Godfrey's Lane. To the left, there is a large rhododendron that sent out a late season white bloom. (Rhodos usually bloom in spring, not mid-summer).

New Rhododendron Garden - BRG East Garden
BRGSC seeing first hand the new plantings in a rhodo bed in the East Garden. About 9 new rhodo gardens have been added in this area of the BRG. To shade and shelter the rhododendrons, staff planted a number of new trees. This East Garden, previously under-developed, has been the target for many of the new plantings.

Annual Bed Lakeshore Road ~ BRG East Garden
This annual flower bed at Lakeshore Road West near Godfreys' Lane and the Port Credit sign is perhaps the most visible to passing traffic. Again, some perennials and shrubs are grown here, but the annual flower show changes each year. This year, the coleus are giving a superb show, even at twilight.

New Rhododendron Bed ~ West Garden BRG
City staff and volunteers planted most of the new rhodos, etc. in the East Garden beds, but  they also in-filled existing beds in West Garden, adding dozens of new plants and trees, including rhodos, azaleas, white pine and magnolias. Here, Joe, city garden staff, rototills under the trees where another new rhodo bed, with shade trees already in position, will soon be planted.

And to give you a spot to rest a spell and admire the views, several more Garden benches are being replaced, and a few new ones are to be installed.

For a map to Brueckner Rhododendron Gardens, see the googlemap link in the right menu. BRG is open daily, year round and admission is free!