
Friday, January 8, 2010

Rhododendron Gardens Winter, Split Rail Fence for Dogs, Photographer Challenge

Love rhododendrons? Love dogs? Then keep them apart, for the rhodos' sake. Rhodos and dogs doing what dogs do when outdoors are not a good mix, at least from the rhododendrons' point of view. Rhodos can be decimated by dogs answering the call of nature, and once one dog leaves a message, all future doggie visitors want to add their own notes.

And since not all dog walkers keep their dogs on leash, as required by Mississauga by-law, or, even if on leash, keep them far enough away from the rhodos, the city has installed a new split rail fence at the BRG in Mississauga, Ontario.

Here are some pictures of this rustic split rail fence that is actually a very long and handy message board for dogs.

Drilling  Post Holes for New Fence BRG
Rhododendron and garden purists, and, likely, brides and photographers may bemoan a man-made structure spoiling the view of the main Rhododendron bed, a favourite location for wedding parties to take pictures.

Main Rhododendron Garden ~ Plaque Dr Brueckner
This is the oft-photographed view, near the plaque commemorating Dr Brueckner's gift to Mississauga. The micro-climate in this location in Port Credit is ideal for rhodos and azaleas.

Fence Construction View Towards Parking Lot
It's thought that this bright new split rail fence will weather to a faded gray shade within a few months and blend more naturally into the surrounding woodlands.

Rails Added to Fence Posts
Two gates have been added to the fence to give access to the rhododendron bed from the main path leading from the parking lot. As always, visitors can get close to the rhodos from the top of the hill (left, out of view in this picture). But please, Dog Walkers, do not bring your dogs into the rhodo beds.

Hand-Digging Holes for Fence Posts
The new fence starts just below the crest of the hill and runs northwest around the main rhodo bed to enclose the newer rhodo bed planted last spring.

New View Main Rhodo Garden with Gate
The completed fence, with gate, does change the view of this established rhodo bed. Brides and bridesmaids wearing very full skirts will have to take care when walking through the gate.

Winter Snows ~ Rhododendron Garden Fence
Winter weather and spring rains should help to change the new looking rails and posts to a pale gray. A rustic wood fence was definitely the best choice for the location.

Rhododendrons in Winter ~ Lake Ontario 
Rhododendron beds sited on the Lake Ontario side of the hill are more exposed to the winter winds, and sulk to show their displeasure with cold winds. Winter snow fencing wrapped in burlap was erected in late fall to protect the more exposed rhodos.