
Sunday, June 7, 2009

White and Red Tree Peonies, Wild Geraniums, Coral Azaleas and Wedding Photos with Rhodos

In no particular order as I want to get over to the gardens to weed the roses before the rain starts, here are some pictures of white and red tree peonies, the wild geraniums, a coral azaleas that positively glows in the shade, and a wedding party taking photos in front of the rhodos.

Wild Geranium Close Up
The violet color flowers on the wild geranium look delicate but really brighten this shady area.

Wild Geraniums Near Bridge

These clumps of wild geraniums are on the west side of the first bridge you come to along the Waterfront Trail at the Lakeshore Road entrance to the Gardens.

White Tree Peony at Dusk

Continue along the Waterfront Trail past the geraniums and you can't miss the new peony bed adjacent to the path. This white tree peony was the first to bloom this spring. If you come to the Gardens in the next few weeks, many more peonies should be blooming.

Red Tree Peony

This is the first of two red tree peonies to bloom this spring. This bed was first planted in November 2008 so this is the first spring for them here, though you may find a few random peonies in other parts of the Gardens.

Red Tree Peony Bud

This is another of the red tree peonies, showing its first bud. Picture takers tend to walk into the bed to get a good photo, but sometimes step on peonies inadvertently. If you want to take photos, then PUH-LEESE watch where you are stepping. We've lost several peonies AND roses, for that matter, already this spring due to careless stepping and ball-throwing.

Red Tree Peony

The peony bed is generating a lot of interest from peony aficionados, equally divided between Asians (who really DO know their tree peonies!) and Westerners who just love peonies. Asians will offer planting and growing tips, and Westerners tend to ask for advice on how to plant and grow. Not surprising, though, as peonies have long been grown in China (see wiki for info).

Coral Azalea near Port Credit Sign

This coral azalea glows in the shade just west of the sign for Port Credit village on Lakeshore, east of Shawnmarr Road. There is a nice seating area and patio here, though you are right in the noise of Lakeshore Road traffic.

June Wedding Party Rhododendron Gardens

Permit at hand, this wedding party came in a large bus to take their photos and really brightened my day. One of the nicest things about these gardens are the friendly people who stop and chat.

I took these pictures the same day as the photos and video of the Kennedy memorial plaque.

Update: Peonies in Bloom June 2010